Create a Safety net


Berardi's First Law

Berardi’s First Law states:

  • If a food is in your house or possession, either you, someone you love, or someone you marginally tolerate, will eventually eat it.

The corollary of Berardi's First Law is:

  • If a healthy food is in your house or possession, either you, someone you love, or someone you marginally tolerate, will eventually eat it.

Use a trusted "safety system"

In other words, don't rely only on "motivation" or "willpower"

Instead, use a trusted "safety system": your surroundings.

Keep healthy stuff near you and convenient.

Make your routines and environment support your PN Coaching journey.

Keep unhealthy stuff away from you and inconvenient.

Make it hard for unhealthy stuff to get to you.

Click goes the safety belt. No more thinking.

Something else is doing all the work for you — your environment. What a relief!

What to do today

  1. Make life easier for yourself. Think less.

We can exhaust ourselves trying to make so many decisions in a day.

So instead of trying to think about or work hard on eating healthier, see if you can find some "safety belts" or trusted systems that will do the work of thinking for you.

  1. Review Berardi's First Law.
    If food is around you, you'll probably eventually eat it. Simple as that. It has nothing to do with "willpower". It's just how humans are wired.

On the other hand, if healthy food is around you — and convenient — you'll eat it.

  1. Think about how to make Berardi's First Law work for you.

How can you create a healthy environment that supports you and your PN Coaching journey? What do you need?

  1. Keep paying attention to your environment today.
    How do the people, things, and daily routines around you affect your decisions? Notice and name what affects your choices.

No need to change anything today, just observe.

  1. Eat slowly, to 80% full.
    No matter what your environment throws at you, this practice will keep you focused.

Eating slowly to 80% full is another great "seatbelt" that keeps you safely on the road.

Visuable Team